Tuesday, 23 September 2008


Hey girls and boys.
Jusk a quick one today. I've not been very well the last couple days, hence the silence. But I thought I'd pass through so you all know I haven't left you for my camera!
I'm not going to respond to the negativity that is trying to dampen my spirits, because I guess it comes with the territory so i'm going to whizz right past that and just give you all a quick heads up on my progress in this music game which is my focus and priority.
I've finally confirmed the date of my acoustic gig. it's in London Bridge at the Hidden Julep, on the 29th October. I know it's a school night, but I would really appreciate it if you showed some love and I'll try to let you all out by bedtime.

I will let you know more closer to the time.
Have a nice evening guys. I'm off now. Need to get better so I can get some stuff done tomorrow as today has been less than productive. At least I've got the excuse that I'm sick though...

Nighty night xxxxxx

N x

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