I was just talking to another friend earlier and he was saying that it's amazing how we are so reliant on technology...it's a scary truth, but it is reality.
So, all my twitterers will be happy, because I kinda fell of the radar for a few days, but I'm back! http://www.twitter.com/nadiva99
This week, I've been quite fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend time with some of my some closest friends. On Monday, one of my friend's came and interrupted my trampolining session and told me to get showered cos he was taking me to lunch. We went to Richmond and had a lovely meal by the river. I love our relationship because it's genuine. True friends will disagree from time to time but if your relationship is real you will always come to some understanding and carry on.
That's us. Sometimes I don't like to hear what he's saying cos he's right and other times he will avoid me until as long as he can before he admits that he misses me and I'm right! I love being right!
He's going home soon (Seychelles) to see his dad and is threatening not to come back! But I know he will, cos he'll miss me too much!

Another friend of mine came back from spending 5 months in Nigeria! So we celebrated her return last night by going to see another good friend of mine perform in Wole Soyinka's play, "Death and the King's Horseman" @ the National Theatre. Nonso Anozie has acted on stage in the Shakespeare productions Othello and was the youngest person cast as King Lear in a professional production. Also he has starred in RocknRolla, Atonement and was the lead character in box office and dvd hit "Cass" based on a true story of a football hooligan. I sound like a proud mother boasting about him, but we have been friends for nearly 10 years and I am excited that his talent has been recognised.
I would highly recommend you to go and see this play as it highlights the differences between the British colonial culture and the Nigerian (Yoruba) traditions and how they collided in the 1940's.
There's loads of dancing and singing too, so you know I was loving that!
We all went for a few drinks in the Green room bar and had a nice catch up before Nonso had to sign all his fans' autographs and drop my friend and I home!
Twas a pleasant evening :)
But today I was left a bit worse for wear. I'll blame it on the a a a a a alcohol! LOL. Nah it was my fault for drinking on an empty stomach.
I can't believe it's Thursday already. This week has gone too quickly! We really need more hours in the day. Where has this year gone? Before we know it, we will be half way through and it seems like I just celebrated New Years. More reason not to procrastinate.
Anyways luvvies,
I'm gonna catch up with you soon
Nads xx
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