Hello my gorgeous friends,
I'm feeling extra fantabulous right now. The weather has been fantastical and the sunshine can chase all the blues away.
Like I said the other day, apart from not being a millionairess, I can't really complain, so everything is jiggy!
I was meant to be doing a photo shoot today, but we were short of a stylist and I wasn't in the mood for styling myself, so I have postponed this shoot till I get back from Miami.
I have also booked some shoots meanwhile I'm out there so watch this space...and hopefully I will make it into the recording studio too. We'll play it all by ear because I want to rest too! Yeah right! lol
So...after all the excitement of Sunday's show (Soul Unique) and my extra long journey home, it took me a couple days to recover.
But as promised, I took my son out for the day. Luckily, living in West London there's lots available. We went for a Chinese meal and then to see that kids film "night at the museum 2" in Shepherds Bush. He loved it and was totally shattered when we got home. So it was a great day for us. I spend a lot of time with him, but very rarely do we have a day where it's all about him 100%. I didn't do any work and limited twittering!
Wednesday, like many of you, I watched the Barcelona v Manchester United match. I was rooting for Man U, so if you follow the footie, you'll know what sort of mood I went to bed in! Hmmmm

But, you know me, never down for long. Woke up in a good mood and had a nice jog in the morning as I kinda slacked for a few days. But I'm bang on it again. Jogging in the morning followed by a workout, so I can fit in with all those beach babes! lol...okay, maybe just so as not to stand out like a sore thumb.
So, that evening, I went to Love Soul Sessions to see Brooke Bailey, Aaron Washington and Erik Rico perform. I was also very pleased to finally meet DJ Barry King and Terry Bello who had come specifically from the states to do this gig. I really liked the atmosphere at the venue and I have been asked to perform at the next one so look out for the flyer.
So, getting back to today...I'm going to rest and tidy up as I kept getting side-tracked and interrupted yesterday, then probably go out for dinner or a movie, something that requires little energy as I have a very busy week ahead of me, meetings, rehearsals, workouts, shows, studio...and I'm sure much more!
Enjoy your weekend
Oh btw, if you are at a loose end, come down to my sis's gig tomorrow @
Bar Music Hall
134 Curtain Road
Obenewa & The Truth Movement 8pm
£3...yes three quid!
Be there!!!
See you all soon.
Nay Nay xx
I have just been informed that ERIK RICO may also be performing on the night.
So this is really one NOT to be missed.
See you there