Hey peeps,
I've been meaning to write a lil sumthin on here for the past few days, and kept logging on to write something and kept getting side-tracked by one thing or another.
What have I been up to ??? Hmmmm
Friday I went to an event in Camden. The performers were singing mainly classical music, and I went only as a spectator, but one of the organisers asked me to bless the mic, so as not to be rude, I obliged. I sang a gospel song that was written for me and the audience seemed to really enjoy it...well they clapped at the end!lol
After that I headed down to the West End to meet up with some friends to celebrate Ghana's Independence! We had fun and I didn't get to bed till really late, but luckily I didn't have to get up early on Saturday morning.
Stayed in all day Saturday, only leaving my flat for some Thai food, which was probably not the best idea since I had a bit of a dodgy stomach. But I had a craving for some seafood fried rice and thai green chicken curry, so I went for it!
Sunday... it was an early one ... my son had to be at the football grounds in Barnes at 9:30 am! yes 9:30!...Bloody torture. Anyway, despite the other team cheating, my son's team won 6-2, my son scoring a BAAAAAD goal! Go Jamare :) xxx
I have got a lot of stuff coming up so I have spent the last couple of days making preparations. Been a bit of a hermit really. But it has to be done.
Oh, by the way, I would like to say a BIG hi to some of my supporters who I saw out at the club on Friday night. I appreciate you coming up to me and letting me know you appreciate my work and you've got my back. Bless you xxx
Okey Smokey...I'm gonna holla atcha in a few days and gonna make a video blog this weekend...
Have a good week my darlings
Much Love
Nads xx
I was here...
But now, I'm at...
...and sometimes at...
...VIA: http://Ping.fm
...Its my first time on your blog. Can't comment, yet... I will be back. Stay
fabulous. It keeps 'em guessing... Follow me: http://Twitter.com/TheSecretDiary
green chickhen curry bbz?? and u wonder y ur stomach was dogy lol i jus wanted to ask u u c dat vedeo blogg yh, i know u camera shy but can it b at least 3 mins long please?? xxx
It was nice, but with all the chillies and coconut milk, probably not a good idea if your stomach is a bit delicate!
Will try to stretch the video out as long as possible! lol
Nads xx
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