Monday, 23 March 2009


Finally, the video is up on
The team have worked hard on it and I am happy with the outcome
Check it out

Have a lovely day, the sun is shining :)

Mwaah mwaah mwaah

Nads xxxxxxx

Sunday, 22 March 2009


Happy Mother's day, to all you mothers out there and all of those wonderful ladies who provide a mother/nurturing figure to our children. You are appreciated.
I know most of you don't do your job (and it is a job) for praise, but it's nice to be recognised for the positive things you do in life. So I thank all my friends who have re-assured me not just today but frequently that I am doing my best. And also my special little boy who tells me 'I'm the best mummy in the world', aww bless him, he doesn't know what's out there! lol

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend. I must say, the sunshine makes everything seem much nicer. Even if you're tired, it makes it that little bit easier to get out of bed. I.e, yesterday morning.
Monday to Friday when it's school time I have to literally drag my son out of bed, bribe him with waffles ,pancakes and all sorts. But on Saturday mornings, he is up before the blinking birds start tweeting!
Why did this child come into my room at 6:30 yesterday morning and decide it was time to wiggle and sing in my bed? Right in my ear!
So eventually I got up and made him cereal, then packed him off to footie with his best mate. A little voice in my head said "go back to bed Nads", but I fought it and went shopping nice and early. I beat the crowds (cos I hate crowds) and got me bits and pieces. Two new lovely belly rings...what else did I get? hmmm... can't even remember now. Oh yeah. I bought a brand new set of curling tongs and went to the opticians to sort out me eyes! If you guys knew how blind I am, you'd actually feel sorry for me.
I rushed around the shopping centre for about an hour, avoiding the shops that would get me in trouble, as it was an unsaid new year's resolution to be sensible, and so far so good.
I got back home before midday and felt accomplished. If I had listened to 'naughty nads' I wouldn't have reached the shops at all yesterday.
So I rewarded myself with a lazy afternoon, scaring myself by watching the Crime channel! What is wrong with me? It scares me but I like to see how the cases unfold.

The day went so quickly. Before I knew it, it was early evening and I was scheduled to pop into the charity event for the support of Africa's Witch children, which was held in Camden. It is such a worthwhile cause. It's to help fund the out casted children of Nigeria, who have been deemed witches by their families. So sad...My friend Kadija Kamara was performing there so I thought I would show my support to her and also Isaak Badru (Kubi and Isaak show sun 1-4) who was hosting. It was a well-organised event with lots of acts, but unfortunately few attendees, which I am putting down to the dreaded 'credit crunch'.
I stayed there for a little while then had to rush off to dinner in the West end at a lovely Thai restaurant off Regent's Street. Like I said, the other day I love Thai food. I just hope I don't overdo it and end up getting sick of it. But anyway I had a pleasant evening, which luckily ended quite early so I was tucked up in bed before midnight! Nice :)

That brings us to today. Mothering Sunday. I woke up bright and early and decided to go to 10 O'clock mass. It was a lovely service and the children gave all the ladies in the congregation daffodils. So sweet. :)

After cooking dinner and dropping my mums flowers to her, I've been a total couch potato. But my son insists I rest because it's my special day, and who am I to argue???

Night night my lil chumpaloomps

Friday, 20 March 2009

I'm still smiling :)

Wow, it seems like ages since I came back, but it literally has been days.
I spent most of Tuesday catching up with emails etc that mounted up over the weekend because I refused to go online meanwhile I was away.
On Wednesday Candy from brought me a copy of the video that will be uploaded to their site this weekend. It's looking great and I hope you will like it!
Then my friend/make up artist, RuMel came over for a day of madness. We went shopping for food then, we came back to my flat and I cooked a tasty meal of prawns and rice! We were both really hungry and ate so much we couldn't move! We just flaked out on my sofa!
When the food had finally digested, Ru did my eyelash extensions (oh yeah...after we stuffed our faces with swiss chocs! lol). She recently did a course on applying them, so I am her guinea pig.
We did actually plan on going out but she took a million years to do them (she is still new to it), so by the time she finished, I couldn't be bothered to go through the whole 'getting ready' procedure so we went on a late night trip to McD's because I had a milkshake craving, however I ending up having nuggets, fries and a burger too! lol
But the eyelashes look great and I haven't lost one of them the hours of labour was worth it! Thanks Ru xx
I would also like to say a BIIIIIIG thank you to DJ Christoss who played some of my music on Lightning FM 90.8fm on Wednesday night. He believes in my music and knew his listeners would like it too.
He played 'Simple Sacrifice' and 'You're my boy'. Both were received very well and were requested to be rewound many times!
Listen out for more of my music on Lightning fm and interviews in the near future.
Talking of interviews, yesterday I did one for Evolution Magazine. I talk about my musical influences, dream collaborations and give my opinion on the state of today's music industry. Check link below

It's a beautiful day, so make the most of it!

Lots of love

Nads xxx

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Well rested...

I've had a busy weekend, but surprisingly I feel well rested. I guess it's because we took everything in our stride.
Madrid is not like London. Although it is a big city, the atmosphere is much more relaxed.
So, we arrived at madrid airport Saturday afternoon. Chose our rooms at the hotel Puerta Americas and headed out to the shops ( we are typical to shop)!

Me taking a break in a make up store.

My sis being spoilt for choice!

When all the shops had closed, we decided it was time that we headed back to the hotel and got picked up so that we could Freshen up and go out again.

A couple hours later two friends of ours picked us up and took us to a late night place to eat as it was about 11:30pm by then!

My sister LOVES ketchup

we were more tired than we realised, after all the travelling and shopping so we didn't end up staying out that late. But my bed was soooo cosy!

After a GREAAAT sleep, we got up quite early so as not to waste the sunshine.

We headed to one of the main cities called 'Sol' where we saw some street performers singing and playing

That evening we went to a club where 2000black were playing, with Benji B on the decks!

That was my weekend in a nutshell!

Nads x

Monday, 16 March 2009

I'm back again!

Hey Senors and senoritas!
For all of you that didn't know, I was in Spain for the weekend. I just got back a few hours ago. I will fill you in, hopefully tomorrow, and my Facebook friends will get some extra pics, vids etc.

Nads xx

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Surprise Surprise

I just got a really nice surprise....I am bursting to blab...but mums the word! :D xxx

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Hey Hey

Hey peeps,
I've been meaning to write a lil sumthin on here for the past few days, and kept logging on to write something and kept getting side-tracked by one thing or another.
What have I been up to ??? Hmmmm
Friday I went to an event in Camden. The performers were singing mainly classical music, and I went only as a spectator, but one of the organisers asked me to bless the mic, so as not to be rude, I obliged. I sang a gospel song that was written for me and the audience seemed to really enjoy it...well they clapped at the end!lol
After that I headed down to the West End to meet up with some friends to celebrate Ghana's Independence! We had fun and I didn't get to bed till really late, but luckily I didn't have to get up early on Saturday morning.
Stayed in all day Saturday, only leaving my flat for some Thai food, which was probably not the best idea since I had a bit of a dodgy stomach. But I had a craving for some seafood fried rice and thai green chicken curry, so I went for it!
Sunday... it was an early one ... my son had to be at the football grounds in Barnes at 9:30 am! yes 9:30!...Bloody torture. Anyway, despite the other team cheating, my son's team won 6-2, my son scoring a BAAAAAD goal! Go Jamare :) xxx

I have got a lot of stuff coming up so I have spent the last couple of days making preparations. Been a bit of a hermit really. But it has to be done.

Oh, by the way, I would like to say a BIG hi to some of my supporters who I saw out at the club on Friday night. I appreciate you coming up to me and letting me know you appreciate my work and you've got my back. Bless you xxx

Okey Smokey...I'm gonna holla atcha in a few days and gonna make a video blog this weekend...

Have a good week my darlings

Much Love
Nads xx

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Don't push me...


Sunday, 1 March 2009

Medicine for my blues ...

So you all know, I was feeling down about being in London as opposed to Amsterdam, but last night we really let our hair down and had a good time.
I stayed in all day yesterday (Saturday) tidying up and just watching movies. Had a visit from a long lost friend and relaxed. Then in the evening, I headed towards North London for the launch party of a new Salon (La Bella) that will be opening at Arsenal's Emirate stadium. As we arrived there were belly dancers and 'snake man'...very strange, but entertaining.
My friend Rumel and I chilled in our little allocated area until Mr Collins swung by and in a puff of smoke, we were gone. We headed off to Jalouse in London's West End.

When you go clubbing in the West End, some people can be really pretentious, but we just ignored those types and showed them how to let their hair down. We had a fab time and can't wait till we have another night out.
I haven't danced that much in ages. My feet are still killing me now and it's time to get up to take my son to football :(
He'll be here in a minute so I'd better get up because I have only half an hour to get myself ready.
Gotta go my lil ones but have a great Sunday and stay blessed.

Nadsy xxx