Well that may be a sweeping comment BUT most people love the sunshine apart from a couple of weirdos. The sun generally puts people in a good mood and encourages us to come out of our dwellings and socialise. I ♥ it a LOT!
It helps motivate me. Let's be honest, when it's all gloomy outside it takes an extra effort to get out of the bed. When it's sunny I practically jump out of the bed and hit the ground running! lol...okay slight exaggeration but you catch my drift!
From the end of last week the weather here in London started picking up which coincided with a session I had with Dornik Leigh of the Truth MoveMENT.
I normally go to his house and within a couple hours I will have written and recorded a song. We have a great chemistry. In the last few months I think I've done four or five tracks with him.
I videoed a bit of the session for you all to see how the song began and how it progressed. And because we're feeling sunshiny, Dornik and I are giving the track away for FREE.
It will be available in a few days so stay in the loop by following me on my twitter so you can get the download details www.twitter.com/nadiva99
Come On Son from Nadine Charles on Vimeo.
The same evening I ended up @ Mau Mau. The Uprock boys had New York Artist Spec Boogie performing and my sis was singing a couple of his hooks so I thought I'd go and have a peek and also keep her company.

As usual we grabbed a bite to eat first. I actually ended up getting upset because my friend Incisive ordered food which tasted waaaaaaaay nicer than mine...it got quite emotional. But luckily the show had me bobbing my head and I forgot about it ....... till the show was over!
I'd never heard of Spec Boogie before, as did none of my friends, but he had us all singing along, dancing and vibing.
Check him out www.specboogie.com
Have a look at the footage I took below...There's so much I missed but I got quite a bit still!
Spec Boogie from Nadine Charles on Vimeo.
The good weather continued to the weekend. It actually got hotter. On Saturday I overdosed on football. My son had football training in the morning, then in the afternoon he had a Football Funday at his school. I spent 6 hours watching football. My idea of HELL. I actually do like football, but little kids who don't know how to play, who sulk when they lose (hmmm sounds a bit like men! lol) is NOT fun. BUT hey it's part and parcel of being a parent. Sometimes you've gotta do stuff you don't want to.
So Sunday, was about MEEEEEEEE! lol
Some friends and I wanted to go and make the most of the sun, so we decided to go to one of the biggest parks in the country, Hyde Park.
I packed a bag full of goodies and a cooler full of drinks (including a lovely bottle of wine), whacked on the sunscreen and headed off to the park.
One of my friends suggested roller skating! hahahahaha...as if! It was all about lazing in the sun for me :)
We had a FUNtastic time
Hyde Park from Nadine Charles on Vimeo.
That was my weekend in a nutshell.
Oh, and If you didn't have a chance to look at the profile posted of me in Flavour Magazine, have a butchers FLAVOUR MAG It's short and sweet. Go on have a nosey!
Okay peeps.
I'm off now. But do stay in touch with me on twitter until the next post. I'll let you know when and how you can download FREE, yes FREE music.
Until we meet again, have a blessed week
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