Right now I feel like I have the attention span of a 5 year old. I'm just getting so easily distracted. I should be sleeping, but I'm still working because, stuff I should have finished hours ago is still outstanding and I have deadlines to meet!
Maybe it's all those E numbers I've eaten today...
I haven't got much of a sweet tooth. Well I haven't since I grew up! LOL. But today I went to the sweet shop and bought those strawberry liquorice laces and the fizzy ones too and some black jacks...hmmmm. I think it's affected my concentration span...I have been very fidgety. Or maybe I'm just plain lazy...
Anyway guys. I hope you all are sleeping. Trust me I would love to be :(
I have a manager, but I need a PA...This is too much hard work. I just wanna have some fun now...
Nite xxxx
yh i think dats a word might have to break out the oxford to verify dat tho lol wow u seem to b ovaloading wit work plus being a yummy mummy dats wat call a true grind. keep doing ur ting tho dont ova work urself theres only so much the human body can take, jus get plenty of rest eat properly n ur eeeasy ya c me... oh yh cut back on dem sweets gurl i have had 1 tooth taken out due to a sweet craven childhood its not niice. ur teeth r pretty i dnt know if ull look the same wit gaps lol
cool...will take your advice..no more sweets!
yh right madam dats like a crack head telling somone ima do no more crack.
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