Hey people...
I can't believe a week has gone by already.
What can I tell ya????
I am extremely tired right now. I don't actually know how I'm functioning. I'm just hoping my body can cope for the next few weeks, cos I feel like I'm abusing it. Late nights, early starts, not enough food...
This week has been really hectic for me. I've had a lot of rehearsals and then a photo shoot thrown in for good measure.
I feel like such a phony...I've spent God knows how long telling people that no, I'm not a model and that I will not be doing any modelling anytime this century...and what do I go and do????...
Well, you know. Lots of people have asked me if I want to do modelling, but I've always turned them down. Despite all the pictures I can get very camera shy at times, so I wasn't sure if it was for me. Plus I am a certified midget @ 5'3" so I'll never be Britain's next top model. However a friend who is a make up artist asked me to model for her this week and I thought why not!
And I'm glad I made that decision. Although I had to leave sunny West London at 7:30 am to go to freezing North London for 9am. I was not a happy chappy. And therefore started to take on my new persona which is 'NADIVA'!!!
Luckily my friend/mua aka Rumel (www.myspace.com/rumelism)
, did a fantastic job on my make up, kept me entertained (she knows what I'm talking about) and to top it all off the photographer was excellent too. Zach Burns (who is gorgeous btw girls) http://zbphotography.viewbook.com/, happens to be a model himself, but also has a great eye for detail and is able to use his modelling experience to get a great picture. So, despite my diva fits and the fact that all of us were tired, we pulled off a great shoot, which I'm sure will be the start of many.
Alrighty, I'm gonna go and catch up on some TV...America's Next top model! gotta grab some tips. LOL
Speak to you soon
you look and did great grunts
(more coming your way over weekend)
Can't wait for our next one. Looking forward to seeing the pics xx
yh u phony u told mee u stoppd dat modelling ting i guess old habits die hard lol naa its a grind init and if not obviously su em to help ur progess. i cant believe ur height iz 5'3 ur probably the same size as willy wonkers helpers lol its all gud tho it all boils down to the hieght of ur mind at the end of the day plus im sure ur cute wit it anyway
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