You haven't heard from me in a while because I like to live by that saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"...let me straighten this out before your brains start ticking; the issues weren't down to any particular person, it was a few things that kinda piled on top of each other. Now if they came one by one, they would have been easy to cope with, but although I am a soldier, I;m not invincible.
I still have a few things to sort out in my life, but one good thing that did happen, was my gig yesterday!
It's kinda bitter sweet though because although all the people that were there for my set enjoyed it, so many of my supporters had to leave early because I was put on @ 10:30pm which is quite outrageous for a weekday night!
However, I was overwhelmed with the great feedback from those that were there and the numerous messgaes from those who really wanted to stay or couldn't make it. So next time I will endeavour to please more of you.
For all of you that missed out, there will be footage soon as we had it filmed...can't wait to share that with you.
I am having a few days of rest now because I have really been working flat out. Really, I think I need to get away totally, to be completely cut off from the everyday things that drag you down. Another country possibly for a break...
Any suggestions? I've got a few ideas, but I welcome yours too.
Gonna continue my rest now sweeties.
Nads xx