Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Winding down...

Hey people,


I'm still buzzing off the fabulous birthday I had last week...and to be honest with you, I'm still slyly celebrating, on a more low key level.
I went for dinner @ Rocket in Mayfair last night with a friend who wasn't able to make my party. It's a beautiful restaurant BUT the food wasn't all that. Good thing my company made up for what the meal lacked. We had a good old chin wag and before we knew it the staff were clearing up, turning on all the lights etc, hinting for us to shove off!
We finally got the message and I went home, smiling although my belly was still longing for a decent meal!

Food does feature a lot in my life. One of my "loves". If you follow me on twitter you'll know how much I eat and think about food. A slight obsession I think. I even dream about it..."issues" I hear you scream. Oh well, I could be an alcoholic, sexaholic or shopaholic...so being a foodie is not that bad surely!

I just wanted to let you know about another article that was written on my EP. I met some guys @ the summit in ATL from "Grown Folks Music". They passed on my EP to a colleague who listened to and reviewed my music.

Here is what he had to say,

"Nadine Charles - Introducing Miss Charles

Upon hearing the EP Introducing Miss Charles from Nadine Charles I loudly exclaimed “El gusto es mio!” fortunately no one was around to laugh at my poor excuse for Spanish. But in all seriousness the pleasure really is all mine. Having the opportunity to listen to this great project from this wonderful artist just adds another notch to my “there really is hope for R&B scorecard”.

Seven tracks that run the subject matter gamut from: Love to loss, infatuation to even openly admitting that you’re a Cry Baby…you have to love an artist that is not afraid to be that open and honest. Musically, if you are a fan of great melodies(which I am) and dense beautiful harmonies(guilty as charged over here) you will love Introducing Miss Charles.

The production[C Swing and The Truth MoveMENT] and performances on this EP are wonderfully consistent: no throwaways here. The tracks contained herein do not reside in the “beatmaker” category, this is not a dig at any music or producer who operates in that realm, I’m merely stating that this is gimmick free music. They even have the audacity to have musical bridges in these songs that really do take you on a journey. The nerve!

If someone would have told me yesterday that I would be this excited about R&B again, I probably would have done what I usually do which is to point to the old dusty box of well worn cassettes and LP’s (yeah I said it) and curmudgeonly say “Now that’s R&B over there”. Fortunately, today I was properly introduced to Miss Charles so now I can point to my computer’s monitor and the dusty old box. Musical recommendation: hit repeat." Ivan Orr


I've agreed to do an interview for them too so look out for it SOON!

A few posts back I told you about a charity event I did about a month or so back. Here's some footage of it. I'm featured towards the end of it.

That's it for now. I've got to go and plan my sister's baby shower now, and I've put it on hold for weeks. So I gotta go. I'll holla soon.

Walk Right
Nads xx

For hard copies of my EP mail nadinecharlesbiz@gmail.com
Download individual tracks www.nadinecharles.bandcamp.com
Follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/nadiva99

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