I am as blind as a bat!
Boredom makes you do weird stuff!
Hey... I have been indoors for the past few days because I have been unwell. Thank God, I am feeling a bit better now and although I am still resting, I can now eat and my head no longer feels like someone is stamping on it. The past couple of weeks have been a bit hectic and I guess it took a toll on my body. I hate to admit that my mum is right (and I hope she's not reading this), but she actually was. I really need to look after myself better and take all those vitamins and herbs and stuff she's always forcing on me...echinacea, bark of this. extract of that...it all seems like a hassle, but when you get sick it's a whole other story! So...after the busy weekend I had last weekend, I decided to take it easy last week. I had a brief studio recording session on Monday and chilled on tuesday and wednesday. I finally got my baby beamer back on Thursday and returned the rental car kindly lent to me by Performance Rentals of Marble Arch, London. I have my little banger back now, but I think we have lost our spark... I dunno. Maybe I will have to get a new car...I will miss her so...I got her on my birthday a few years ago and have become quite attached, but I think we may have come to the end of our beautiful relationship...Sorry Suzy :(
Friday was a big day for my doggie Marley. She had her first ever hair cut! She is a lovely dog. But she looked a bit scruffy. A bit like a homeless dog. So I thought it was time for a makeover! I took her to a local dog groomer for a wash, cut and dry and she came back all gorgeous. I might start taking her out more now ! lol
Have a blessed week my dears. I am feeling a lot better and will be out and about soon.
C ya
Nads xx
LOL.... "remember... it's all about me!"
No wonder him and kads clash...she thinks it's all about her too! Pffft
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