Sunday, 13 September 2009

Interview with D'Nyce on Bang Radio

Howdy partners!

I just wanted to share this Radio interview I did a lil while back. I know some of you listened in, but for those of you who missed it, have a lil listen.

I'm off to Atlanta next week as I've been invited to the International Soul Music Summit. So in the search of sun and good Soul music I'll be off.
I'll try to do a blog while I'm out there if I get the chance because I know I've been really crap lately with my posts but I've been working really hard on my Ep. Oh! BTW I've finished all my recording for my EP. Just waiting on the producers to mix the tracks so hopefully you will be able to get your copies VERY soon!

Anyhoo, gonna love you and leave ya, cos it's Sunday and I'm trying to chill out cos I know this is gonna be a hectic week.

Bang Radio Interview with D'nyce from Nadine Charles on Vimeo.

I'll holla atcha soon

Lotsa love

Nads x

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