Wow, this week has been so up and down. The "downs" were pretty damn low, but the "ups" were high so they kinda cancelled out the lows...eventually! Some great stuff came out of this week, but I can safely say, this is a week I don't want to relive! Anyhoo, So I performed my an acoustic set with my guitarist Joe @ Style and Substance in Shoreditch on Tuesday. I was a little bit, well actually VERY nervous as I've just been recording in the studio and not performed live for a while. However the audience were very attentive, gave me great feedback and many of them joined my twitter before I had even left the building! Result :)

Although I was pleased and relieved that the performance went well and the Sistova Production girls were happy with it, there were a few niggling things that were bothering me so I met up with my friend RuMel on Wednesday and had a girlie day @ Westfields shopping Centre. Just what the doctor ordered. We got some snazzy new underwear, some bits and bobs and most importantly FOOD!

# We were both a lil down in the dumps, but after our bellies were filled and after our bit of retail therapy, we both perked up and left the Mall beaming :)

As a continuation of our cheer ourselves up plan, we decided to get our glad rags out on Thursday night and go to the launch party of my friend Le-Starr's new business venture, Starr Cars www.starr-cars.com Check out the above link to see more about this exciting new Company which will cater for all your car hire and chauferring needs, AlWAYS treating you like the star that you are! It was held @ Funky Buddha in Mayfair. Despite the most awful weather, the type you get in the tropics quite a few people braved it and made their way down to join in the celebrations. We stayed for a couple of hours, but I really wasn't in the greatest of moods and very hungry. So Ru and I left to go on a late night creep to KFC.

I tried to take it easy on Friday as I was scheduled to perform @ Soul-D-Out in the evening so I had a chill out day until soundcheck. As my fellow artists will know, shows can be very stressful as something always seems to go wrong before you even get on stage and we're (in the words of Ms Badu) very sensitive about our s*@t. I nearly made a run for it after soundcheck but luckily I got a call from someone with the midas touch and they calmed me down. And I must say, I think I actually smacked it. I really let go and gave myself to my songs and even shed a tear or ten! But I held it together and hopefully wasn't too shakey. I'd like to give a big shout out to my friend Jerry Barnett who came down to support me and also take some shots of me in action. Check out the folowing links for his work: http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackandwhitebritain/sets/72157621997125462/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jerry-Barnett-Photography/73047957538 http://blackandwhitebritain.com/ 5368311034842590370" />

Other performances on the night were from Brooke Bailey, Nicky Prince and Noel McKoy who headlined. They were all received very well and the audience danced and enjoyed their evening. I had to leave prematurely though because I had to go to the Jazz Cafe to go and see my boys, "The Score" who had a launch party. Unfortunately I missed their performance as we were both on stage at the same time, however they were all happy to see me as was I. Watch this space cos they're gonna be BIG! They've got groupies and everything...where's my groupies at? Saying that I got mobbed on the way to their gig by a lady, yes I said a Lady, who tried to kiss me, but all she got was a hug. Then I ran like the wind.
I don't know how I stayed up so late on Friday. I must've been running on pure adrenaline, but you'd better believe I was a Zombie on Saturday.
I just about had the energy to laze around on the sofa watching Come Dine With Me and True Movies with my Auntie. Calm before the storm! lol
Yesterday was a beautiful day so I called up Nadiva2 so she came over and we jumped in the car and headed South to go to the Jerk Cookout where there were thousands of people queuing up for chicken!
We were running on Black People and Indian People's time and got there at 6pm, the time it was supposed to finish, but luckily it was still in full flow!
I was only there for about an hour but bumped into so many people I knew. Loads of my musical friends were there, Kadija Kamara, Jason Jermaine, Miss Laidlaw and also saw my photographer friends too which is always a pleasure.
It was nice to finally meet some of my Facebook friends too. Many of them have been so supportive, by posting my music and watching and supporting my progress etc so it was great meeting them in the flesh.
So after our fill of Jerk chicken, we jumped back in the Nadiva mobile and went on the search for more Food!
We had a little sing song on the way! lol Check out our homemade video. Watch out for it on MTV soon!
We headed to Clapham where were found a lovely Spanish restaurant and sat outside and ate tapas.
On reflection, I guess it wasn't such a bad week. The lows made me appreciate the highs and what's life without dynamics aye?
Have a great week, speak soon.
Walk right :)
Nads xx