WOW dudes/dudettes, mums and dads!,
I really can't believe so much time has passed since I hollered at you. But I'm back!! I actually didn't go anywhere but I was so pre-occupied I didn't have the time to blog...
FINALLY I have finished shooting my video. And boy was that some hard work. Three days of blood, sweat...and maybe a few tears may have But we had crazy fun and I can't wait til it's all edited so I can show you what I've been working on for the last couple months. I wasn't being unsociable and selfish for no reason! lol
I can't reveal too much as yet but I just wanna say a quick thanks to everyone who contributed to the shoot! Dirty Media London (who directed and produced the vid), Kele Le Roc, Jason Jermaine, J Stories, Selam Yohans who provided my shoes, Jewel Clothing who designed a beautiful dress just for me, the MUAs and Stylists. I will go into more detail in a later post and give you all their details so you can give em a shout!
Whoop whoop, I got another Tattoo! Yep another one!...but it's only a lickle one and it means a LOT to me....I hope you like it...if not, I don't care cos I do :) xx

Gotta dash now cos I have to overlook some of the editing for my vid so I can add my 2 pence worth...
Have a fandabulous day...
Mwaaaaah, Me love you LOOOOOOOOONG time xxx
Nay Nay xxx
Loving the make up and cant wait to see the videoxx
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