Whoah dudes!
Two posts in one week...what the heck is wrong with me??? lol
I guess I just wanna share things with you. I just got the above pictures yesterday from one of the photographers who snapped away @ day one of the video shoot.
You can check him out on twitter, his user name is @pr0file so follow him and keep an eye on his work. I'll be putting up links on my website which is nearly good to go!!
I also wanted to share some footage with you of my Candy Mag shoot that I did this weekend.
I hadn't done a shoot since August/September last year so I was a bit rusty. But I had a great time with photographer Kosher and MUA Emily Rose.
Have a peek @ the shoot
I'll be featured in the May Edition...make sure you grab a copy!!
I'm off for now but I'll keep you informed on the progress of the video. It's being edited right now and as soon as it's done you'll be the first to know!
Have a great week and take advantage of the lovely weather...I might go for a walk in a bit.
Later lovelies xx