I have a confession to make....I've been naughty. I've done loads of things and taken my camera with me everywhere but taken very little footage and pictures. It's hard to enjoy yourself when your stuck behind the lense of a camera.
I apologise for being so selfish. I realise the error of my ways!
So from today I'm making a conscious decision to take more pics etc even if it's just a couple.
What have I been up to?
I can't remember everything off the top of my head, but the events that stand out are :
Shean Williams Mixtape launch party
This dude can SANG! I love his voice and his slightly gospel/oldskool feel although he's very current. He's also a very humble person. I've come across so many people who have fallen into the "internet celebrity" thing and believe their own hype. Not our Shean. Look out for him. He's on facebook and twitter as "Face Williams", add him and follow him.
Obenewa @ Shoreditch house
Yes I'm slightly biased as most of you know this chick is my sister, BUT she was fantastical last week @ Shoreditch house. I invited quite a few of my friends down to see her and although some of them weren't very familiar with her material, by the end of the night she had them singing along and downloading her mixtape!
That speaks for itself!
Cat on a hot tin roof

I've been wanting to see this play since it came out last year. For those of you who don't know, it stars Sanaa Lathan (hot chick from Love and Basketball) Phylicia Rashad (Fame), James Earl jones (Mufasa, Lion King). So...I dropped hints, left messages, status updates and then one day, I think on the day the show was closing, I got tickets. I was beaming. It was a long play but I really enjoyed it and respect the actors for learning all those lines cos I find it difficult learning a couple songs!
I've started rehearsing again. I've put off live performances for a while because I've had so many other things to take care of, but I have started rehearsing with various musicians and am really enjoying it! So make sure you show your support and come see me when I announce dates. :)
Jason Jermaine @ I luv live
I went down to the Proud Galleries in Camden to see my friend Jason do his thang. If you haven't seen him perform yet, you should really catch one of his gigs. He's got a really unique style which I find it hard to describe. It's kinda electro, retro, soulful, pop....I'm doing a crap job. Best thing is to listen yourself.
Trust me, he'll have you singing "Hollywood"!
The Video
For all of you that have asked me about "the video", it's nearly done. As soon as it's finto I'll post it up for you all to see.
I'm going to dash now because I have to get my son from youth club...nearly lost track of the time. It's not easy multi-tasking sometimes. But it makes us stonger and builds our characters.
On a slightly different note, apart from enjoying fabulous gigs in the past few weeks, I've had some reflective times. Certain events occurred that forced me to question certain relationships and appreciate others. Life is not all strawberries and cream and fields of daffodils, and it seems that at those particular times we are tested and true characters surface.
I don't really want to go into details and single any one situation or person because like I said, these situations make us stronger and I don't want to attack anyone. But I am grateful for my true friends who are always there without fail when the lights aren't flashing and the champagne isn't flowing. You know who you are.
Much love
Nads ♥
Follow me on twitter...just a click away! www.twitter.com/nadiva99